
Safe Hands… everything pregnancy, everything babies, everything a mother’s heart desires, exactly where it belong… in God’s hands

Archive for the tag “Mother”


I am writing this post based on the response I got from my last post- “On your mark, get set, conceive”.

Someone told me, “Na so e easy”, which was not necessarily a question, but rather a sarcastic statement.
This really got to me……not like I was angry with the person, but I was deeply touched by how the person feels. And, it further made me realise that beyond all the natural ‘things to do’, we indeed need the supernatural to enforce things.

I read this scripture sometimes back Psalm 104 v 30 – “When You send forth Your Spirit and give them breath, they are created, and You replenish the face of the ground”. What I got simply is this – “A new life is formed by the Spirit of God”.
This simply tells us except the Spirit of God breathes upon that Sperm and Egg; it will never become a Foetus/Embryo/Baby/Child. Does this mean we should not do all that we need to do? No! We have to do what we need to do. Maybe someone is saying, “I have done all that the textbooks say, obeying everything diligently like the book of the law, yet I do not see the line turning pink.”

Wait my “soon to be Mum”, the lines will definitely turn pink, it’s only a matter of time.

Do I hear you say, “A matter of time? I don’t want to hear that anymore, I need to know when.”…….I do not have an answer to the when because our times are in His hands. Not in yours and certainly not in mine too.

So how do I know the lines will turn pink one day? His word clearly states, “None shall be barren in the land” and the commandment He gave is “Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth”

So my Darling Sis, your PT will definitely turn positive and the lines will turn double pink as you earnestly desire. So,

1. Relax! Stop fretting or worrying
2. Keep doing what the books advise
3.Seek medical advice, most times we are scared of turning to them cos we are afraid we might hear the worst. What if it is just the minutest thing you have ignored that has kept you from getting your desire.
4.Enjoy Sex,don’t see it as a means to an end. Your Husband is still your Husband and not a Sperm donor who you acknowledge in bed only at that period when the textbook or doctors say it is right.
5. Be positive or rather declare that which you want (if thou shall decree a thing,it shall be established and light shall shine upon your ways). Call forth those things that be not as though they were. Start praying for your Pregnancy period, Birthing, your Children, their friends, anything and everything.
6. Surround yourself with Children- go out of your way to help them, volunteer to babysit for that new mother who needs time off with her hubby,etc. Love every child God brings your way like your own.

Haven said all that, talk to God earnestly and sincerely. I am sure you will see God come through for you. He is a Faithful father.

To everyone who is TTC and stumbles upon this post, be sure I prayed for you and I am sure you will testify very very soon. Feel free to share your testimonies, send them

To signup for our week by week pregnancy prayer mails, simply send an email with subject -WEEK- (whatever gestational age you are in) e.g WEEK 4

I look forward to hearing from you!

Stay blessed and strong!

Love Always,

Your “Preggy Lover”


So I was at this meeting and it was time to introduce ourselves- not just the usual introductions, we were asked to mention what interested us. Instantly, I knew what my response would be, I didn’t even have to think about it. And voila… it was my turn and I blurted out- ‘pregnancy and babies’ and immediately felt twenty-something  pairs of eyes staring at me with the ‘like seriously?’ look. Then the torrents of questions started- ‘Is it having the pregnancy?’, ‘Explain what you mean….’, ‘Are you really really serious?’
I almost caved under all the questions and stares. But I stood my ground and gave them the best explanation I could- “Well, that’s my ministry or calling (whatever it is that you call it). I love the process of bringing forth, experiencing and seeing a new life unfold as the days and weeks goes by. I see it as a very spiritual and chanced opportunity that need not be taken for granted. I enjoy it no matter the seemingly ‘uphills’ (which I believe are no uphills as long as God gives us grace).
I love pregnancy and babies so much that on my extremely happy and fulfilling days, you can be sure to find an element of these- babysitting, hearing the good news of someone getting pregnant, being chosen to be a birth partner or the news of the birth of a child.
Pregnancy, babies and all that comes with it is my passion, my life and what defines me.
Join me on this ride as I bring you tips, success stories and all that goes on in my medula oblongata about babies and pregnancy.
In between, I am still single and searching and can’t wait to be a biological mother, though I’d say maybe I’m a mother already considering the number of babies God has granted me the grace to be a part of their journey from the moment the ‘line turned pink’ till their first steps.
Thank God there is a process involved before one can be pregnant and since I am not ready to be the Mary of my time, I will wait till my time comes, which definitely is soon BHG!
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