
Safe Hands… everything pregnancy, everything babies, everything a mother’s heart desires, exactly where it belong… in God’s hands

PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Hi all, We sincerely hope you are beginning to understand how our body functions as regards our reproductive system.  From our first article in this series on the ovaries – Don’t …

Source: PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


Hi all,

We sincerely hope you are beginning to understand how our body functions as regards our reproductive system.

From our first article in this series on the ovaries – Don’t “Ovary-act”! ? Know your body.?,it is clear that the proper functioning of the ovaries depends to a large extent, on the interactions of the reproductive hormones [Oestrogen, Progesterone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Lutenizing Hormone (LH)]. Hormones are chemical ‘messengers’ that are released by the body to trigger different processes.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (commonly called PCOS) occurs when there is a disproportion in the amounts of the female reproductive hormones produced. The ovaries usually produce small amounts of male reproductive hormones (called androgens), but in ladies with PCOS the quantity is increased slightly.

It derives its name from the fact that most women with PCOS will have numerous small cysts (a cyst is a fluid filled sac) on both…

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Chai, there is God o Kemi. You left this blog to get so dusty that you had to call forth “professional cleaners” to help clean up (“Lol”).

I sincerely apologise for my absence in this community for 3months. Yeah, 3 WHOLE MONTHS! I really did not mean to go all silent on you my “preggies” or soon to be preggies. I have been caught up in so many things all at once- emotionally, physically and yeah, spiritually. God help us all in Jesus name, amen. I promise not to do anymore “disappearing acts”.

I have written this post for about 10weeks now but somehow felt I needed to justify it before I publish it.

Anyways, “Pregnancy Myths”, I’m sure we’ve heard so many and probably shared one or two with someone (ha, I am the chief culprit here). Sometimes we obey them because we feel it’s better safe than sorry, like my Mum is quick to say.

Pregnancy Myths cut across ethnicity, religion, cultural backgrounds and societies; however, our educational background and exposure sometime don’t exclude us from believing this fallacies.

I’ll like to share some and I am really hoping you share yours too. Let’s join forces to allay the fears of some preggos who think because they haven’t done something while pregnant they will be “punished”.

We have so many pregnancy myths, the really funny ones, the unbelievable ones and yes, the foolish ones.

Pregnancy myths abound everywhere and isn’t limited to us Africans. They are usually very funny and most often ridiculous, yet we believe them so much.

I have heard people discuss and practise them- maybe because of the motherly tendency or love that wants to protect a child no matter what. Love or not, some of these myths are harmful while some are harmless, but the crux of the matter is they are MYTHS. Nothing more,nothing less.

I was opportuned to live with a midwife while I was in school, and she had a clinic just beside the house. She often shares these myths with her patients during their ante-natal clinic visits (not as a joke o, but as part of the rules to follow):

1. A pregnant woman must always have a pin on her when she is pregnant. The essence of this is to ward off evil children from entering into her womb. I remember someone telling my elder sister this and she decided to tow that line, saying it’s better to obey just in case it might be true. Na lie, think of the several women who didn’t do it and have very healthy babies to show for it.

2. A pregnant woman musn’t walk in the sun between the hours of 12 and 1pm, as it is believed that this is when evil spirits are really on the move. I am sure this myth probably stemmed from trying to protect a Pregnant Woman from the harsh conditions of the Sun which isn’t particularly pleasant on anybody,how much more someone who is pregnant.

3. A pregnant woman must not eat pineapple. Actually this myth is all over the internet, but has not been proven to affect the mother or child. There is a chemical, so to speak, which ripens the cervix, but it’s so minimal that it has no effect. Really who would sit down to finish a whole basket of pineapple? No matter how much you crave it, it’s unlikely you’d consume the quantity that’ll meet the required mg needed to ripen your cervix before time.

4. If you are finer during pregnancy it means you are having a girl; if not, it means you are having a boy. I believed this so much that I predicted the sex of babies even before scan results tell their sex. After 3 failed guesses, I realised the sex of the baby does not affect the mother’s beauty during pregnancy.

5. There are also some food that have been rendered abominable for preggies to eat and you often hear an older woman complain whenever they see such food around you. Some of the food includes, plantain, okro, snail. Drinks are also not excluded- Milo, coke, etc. have been ‘accused’ of increasing the chances of giving birth through Caesarean Operation (These days we often see CS as a curse, forgetting that what really matters is bringing forth a healthy child).

Have you heard or do you have any experience to share about any pregnancy myths? Feel free to share this in the comments section, let’s help a “preggie” sis out there who might have been misinformed and is constantly in fears about doing and not doing some of these “instructions”. You can also share if you aren’t totally sure it’s a myth, so we can all learn from each other. Looking forward to you sharing your opinions about this Myths.




I am so sorry this is outside my normal posts, but I just couldn’t write anything else as these thoughts flowed into my mind and sought to be expressed. I pray as you read this, it would inspire your heart and give you a glimpse into the life of my beloved sister; thereby, causing God’s name to remain glorified even in her passing.
“Oluwatoyin, when I last saw you it never did cross my mind that in less than 24hrs I would get a call saying you had passed on to glory. Yes, I wouldn’t use the word ‘dead’, because you didn’t die, you only passed on to a greater glory, exceedingly greater than human imagination can comprehend. Heaven, isn’t an imagination for you anymore, but a reality, your reality now. The reality we so often profess we want to be a partaker of, yet we ………………….. I keep telling myself not to mourn like one who has no faith, who still believes that death has a sting; for I know that our soul leaving the confines of our body means our soul goes home to be with God.
My Friend, Sister, Colleague, Co-worker in God’s vineyard has gone home to be with her Father, the one who gave her to us for almost 27 years.
Your last words to me were- “Thank everyone for me o, thank CEO, thank everyone”. And I replied, “No worries, I will and know this that you are safe in God’s arms”. Do I have a doubt if you are safe in God’s arms? Never, it never crossed my mind, because in His arms is eternal peace, eternal rest from all your pains and sufferings.
You held on to your faith to the very end, you told everyone you had a testimony and that we will celebrate with you soon. Hmmmm, I guess you were trying to remind us not to mourn like the heathen but to celebrate the fact that you finished your race well. I CAN HEAR U SAY 2 Timothy 4:7 – I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith.
Oluwatoyin, you were a giver. You gave your time, strength, finance and whatever you had to be there for people, no matter who they are and no matter how inconvenient it was for you. I am sure Abba is saying “Well done good and faithful servant, enter into your rest”.
You lived a short life by human judgment, you were never married neither do you have a child, so to them, you didn’t live a mark in the sands of time. But, Oluwatoyin, I make bold to declare that this are all fallacies, you lived a fulfilled life. In the 9 years I have known you, and better in the last 3 years, you served like you knew you didn’t have so much time, up until the day you fell and had to be admitted. Even while on the hospital bed, in the midst of your pains and all, you kept serving in whatever capacity you can.(Who bakes a cake with crutches on, just to show love and appreciation). You never gave in to self-pity, you remained Selfless to the very end.
I still remember the day you texted a call credit to me (and not me alone o) while you were still in the hospital, and I was thinking who does this from an hospital bed. A day before you passed on, you still remembered someone’s birthday and got a gift for her. Even though pains racked through your whole body, you were still concerned if we were all ok with the AC, which you surely needed but was a bit much for us. #Sigh
Oluwatoyin, keep enjoying yourself in your Father’s bosom. I am sure you are sharing a hug with Mummy now and telling her how happy you are to be in the most coolest place everyone wants to be. You are in paradise my Dear Friend. Keep smiling, keep rejoicing and keep worshipping the ALL KNOWING GOD, OLUWA TI O TOYIN LOOTO (THE GOD WHO INDEED IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED)!
Even in your passing, your life keeps ministering to me and to so many out there, urging us to: live life doing the very best in whatever capacity God puts us in; be  a blessing to everyone, smile always, give like we won’t have the opportunity to do so again; and whenever we are opportuned to, be an encourager.

Trying To Conceive 2………..A Story of God’s Faithfulness

Trying To Conceive 2………..A Story of God’s Faithfulness.

Trying To Conceive 2………..A Story of God’s Faithfulness

I am so delighted and grateful to God for the awesome testimonies around me, all I can say is “I see Increase all around me ” (Sharing my plenty testimonies soon, please keep them coming) .

 My last post was “Trying To Conceive” and as a sequel to it, I got my friend and sister to share her birth story for this post. This is because I am so sure a lot of testimonies will emerge from the last post  (it has even started J ) and this testimony will serve as an encouragement to you, dear readers, as regards birthing and all that it entails.

Kindly read below the birth story. I hope it calms your fears as a pregnant woman and ignite hope in the heart of every mother-to-be expecting their miracles. Indeed God’s word is sure and steadfast.


It’s still me,

Your  “Preggy Lover”


Isaiah 66:9: ‘Shall I bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery? says the LORD. Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb? says your GOD’.

I had my first baby exactly 9months after I signed the dotted lines and it was relatively hitch free, so when I got pregnant again 1 year later, it didn’t really come as a shock! (Mehn!!! I tried to wait o, but I guess I’m ‘FERTILE’ as some of my friends said when I shared the news of my pregnancy with them (LOL).

What came as shock though was the scripture God gave me at the beginning of the pregnancy when I started to seek His face as regards safe delivery and all. The scripture He gave me was- Isa. 66: 9. I frankly didn’t understand it, and when I discussed with my husband, he said we should just hold on to the word and that in due season the revelation would come forth.

My first trimester was smooth and there was no cause for alarm. The devil however struck in my second trimester, by the 6th month, I started getting tired easily and despite the fact that I was driving, it felt like I was running every day. Going from the bathroom to the bedroom felt like a walk from Lagos to Abeokuta; and literally, cooking, bathing my 1st child, market runs, taking care of the family, going to work became a chore and headache.


I thought at first that it was just normal routine pregnancy issues, even though I didn’t experience anything like this during my first pregnancy. But my husband (God bless him) felt it was too much and mandated me to raise it at my next antenatal visit. I did and the doctor diagnosed malaria. I was placed on anti -malaria drugs and given fluids for dehydration! I stayed overnight at the hospital and was discharged the next day, but I didn’t feel better. By the 29th week, I was talking with my husband one morning while he was in the bathroom and I suddenly started gasping for breath! I got to the hospital and woke up to see that I was on oxygen, my PCV was 18%, my baby’s heartbeat was dropping fast and my husband was running around looking for blood donors! I had anemia in pregnancy (i.e. my blood level was pretty low)! I asked if an emergency CS can be done so that my baby can be brought out safe and the doctor said no! Not only was she still too small but with my blood level, he had to be sure we had a lot of blood in store to be transfused before that can be done and that was when I started to cry!
My husband (thank God for Godly men) reminded me of the word God gave me at the beginning of the pregnancy and that became my mantra! I couldn’t pray but just recited it over and over again, it became a necessary “Pregnancy Affirmation”!


At a point, I had to call my spiritual mother and she assured me the battle had been won. She told me to relax that all would be well!  

Lo and behold, a week after my PCV was 31%. My gynaecologist couldn’t believe it. Though I was still looking pale, I felt stronger than I have ever felt before. But I had to spend the rest of my pregnancy on bed rest! (Mehn! That was tiring)


By the 39th week, my daughter came into the world in what I have termed, the shortest labour I can ever hope for! I was 5cm dilated and didn’t even know I was in labour, I was still chatting with my friend (the preggy Lover) on how I was tired and really wanted this baby out!  On that same day, I just went to the hospital late in the evening (the nurses themselves couldn’t believe I was in labour as I was still pinging my friend and all).


I got to the labour room around 6pm and by 8.30pm I was out! Every medical person I needed to be on hand was around! Even my husband almost missed the moment his daughter came into the world!

Indeed according to Isaiah 66:9, God fulfilled His word. He brought me to the time of birth, despite all odds, and caused delivery to be fast and smooth.

I encourage everyone reading this to always hold on to God’s word, no matter the situation. His Word never fails!



I am writing this post based on the response I got from my last post- “On your mark, get set, conceive”.

Someone told me, “Na so e easy”, which was not necessarily a question, but rather a sarcastic statement.
This really got to me……not like I was angry with the person, but I was deeply touched by how the person feels. And, it further made me realise that beyond all the natural ‘things to do’, we indeed need the supernatural to enforce things.

I read this scripture sometimes back Psalm 104 v 30 – “When You send forth Your Spirit and give them breath, they are created, and You replenish the face of the ground”. What I got simply is this – “A new life is formed by the Spirit of God”.
This simply tells us except the Spirit of God breathes upon that Sperm and Egg; it will never become a Foetus/Embryo/Baby/Child. Does this mean we should not do all that we need to do? No! We have to do what we need to do. Maybe someone is saying, “I have done all that the textbooks say, obeying everything diligently like the book of the law, yet I do not see the line turning pink.”

Wait my “soon to be Mum”, the lines will definitely turn pink, it’s only a matter of time.

Do I hear you say, “A matter of time? I don’t want to hear that anymore, I need to know when.”…….I do not have an answer to the when because our times are in His hands. Not in yours and certainly not in mine too.

So how do I know the lines will turn pink one day? His word clearly states, “None shall be barren in the land” and the commandment He gave is “Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth”

So my Darling Sis, your PT will definitely turn positive and the lines will turn double pink as you earnestly desire. So,

1. Relax! Stop fretting or worrying
2. Keep doing what the books advise
3.Seek medical advice, most times we are scared of turning to them cos we are afraid we might hear the worst. What if it is just the minutest thing you have ignored that has kept you from getting your desire.
4.Enjoy Sex,don’t see it as a means to an end. Your Husband is still your Husband and not a Sperm donor who you acknowledge in bed only at that period when the textbook or doctors say it is right.
5. Be positive or rather declare that which you want (if thou shall decree a thing,it shall be established and light shall shine upon your ways). Call forth those things that be not as though they were. Start praying for your Pregnancy period, Birthing, your Children, their friends, anything and everything.
6. Surround yourself with Children- go out of your way to help them, volunteer to babysit for that new mother who needs time off with her hubby,etc. Love every child God brings your way like your own.

Haven said all that, talk to God earnestly and sincerely. I am sure you will see God come through for you. He is a Faithful father.

To everyone who is TTC and stumbles upon this post, be sure I prayed for you and I am sure you will testify very very soon. Feel free to share your testimonies, send them

To signup for our week by week pregnancy prayer mails, simply send an email with subject -WEEK- (whatever gestational age you are in) e.g WEEK 4

I look forward to hearing from you!

Stay blessed and strong!

Love Always,

Your “Preggy Lover”



This is for everyone trying to conceive or getting ready to conceive; be it expectant moms trusting God for their miracle babies, or my single sisters quitting the spinster’s level for the ‘coveted’ Mrs. Title.

Some ladies are ready for the “Mrs. Title” but aren’t really ready for the “Mom title”, while others (myself inclusive) are eager to take on the “Mrs.” Title and quickly move on to the Mom title.

If you are like me, then this is for you.
It is very important if you find yourself hoping to be Preggy soon, to prepare yourself for conception. You might ask if this is necessary,Yes I will say, prepare your body for conception, it’s important and necessary to make an early start in ensuring a healthy and “fab “preggy journey….let’s discuss how below;

Preparing your body to conceive:

1.       Diet- that is your “Pre-pregnancy diet.  There is a strong link between diet and fertility. It’s no news that we are what we eat and this can’t be any truer.  Start to eat healthy and please stop! stop!! stop!!! skipping  meals. If you are a plus size and would like to shed some kilos – or wear a smaller clothes size, do it the healthy way. Do not starve yourself; go Green, Yellow and Red (that is, taking in lots of veggies and fruits). Also avoid all the loose weight fast pills, *ara lon fabo si*(it tells on the body).

2.       Prenatal Vitamins – Prenatal Vitamins are taken by preggies because of the extra nutrients it gives them and their baby, however it is also very good for you. It causes no harm and it’s never too early to prepare your body for your baby. Moreso, research has proven that prenatal
vitamins increase our fertility level. My advice- stock up on it and start preparing.  Except of course you do not want multiple births….its opens up that possibility, but for me I really wouldn’t mind a set of “cutie twins”- a boy and a girl sha 🙂

3.       Understand your menstrual cycle – This one a lot of us are guilty of defaulting. I myself only started keeping tabs on my menstrual cycle. I had the ‘my period comes when it comes’ attitude. However, I have learnt that it’s expedient we keep tabs on our menstrual cycle. Take notes of
your body changes during and after your menstrual cycle and be sure to take note of your ovulation period as well. Get to know your body.  This knowledge will help you understand when you are most fertile and also help with Family planning. 
4.       Avoid Infections – This is very important. I cannot over emphasize the need for us to be very mindful of infections.  Toilet infections, STIs and a host of other infections have the capacity to affect fertility. When you do
have them, please DO NOT take with levity or treat them with just over the counter drugs. Ensure you see a gynaecologist, in order to ensure that infections are completely treated. An infection not properly treated can rear up its ugly head when you least expect it.

Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Always remember there is no such thing as TMI (to much information) when it comes to your health and preparing your body for pregnancy.

Till the next cycle, oh sorry 🙂 , next post, keep loving your body, decreeing that which you want and expect the very best.

Loving regards,
Your “preggy lover”

Posted from WordPress for Android

PREGNANCY AFFIRMATIONS-Create your Ideal Pregnancy!


I really don’t understand this love affair between myself and Pregnancies……sometimes I feel like a “weirdo”.

My love for pregnancies and babies started almost 15 years ago, I was still in Secondary School……..JSS3 to be precise.

I was always quick to point out who was pregnant and who wasn’t, even when they don’t have a bulge to show for it yet. Got so bizarre that I will often tell my mum who knows next to nothing about Pregnancy who was expecting a boy or a girl….*smiles at the memories*

Pregnancy intrigues me, I  believe it’s a MIRACLE’, and irrespective of  the number of births I have personally been a part of, I am still always in awe of this great miracle – the process, the nurturing, the birthing. It’s just so AWESOME!

I BELIEVE Pregnancy is to be enjoyed not endured, to be seen as a privilege, an opportunity money cannot give you……I also believe in creating your own world, hence this post –  “PREGNANCY AFFIRMATIONS”.

“To affirm” means to agree.

So Pregnancy Affirmations simply means your Pregnancy Agreements, with who? With God, of course, and yourself.

Why not make an agreement today with God on what you want about your pregnancy (the singles too can do this, I am one and I do this as if my life depends on it….) The Bible talks about writing the vision and making it plain. Write it out, stick it around and keep confessing them. With your mouth create your ideal preggy experience.

I will share mine below;

“My Pregnancy Affirmations”

I am Fertile
My Womb is Blessed
My Eggs are Blessed and Sanctified
I love my baby.
My baby loves me.
I am a strong woman.
I know how to take care of myself in pregnancy.
I will make the right decisions for my baby.
My pregnant body is beautiful.
Hormones do not make me less of a beautiful wife and an expectant mother, I am not grouchy or irritable towards my loved ones.
My baby senses the peace I feel.
I accept the help of others.
I will not Miscarry but will carry this Pregnancy to term.
I bring forth my Fruit in due season.
My baby will be born at the perfect time.
My body knows when to give birth.
My baby will find the perfect position for birth.
My baby’s head fit snuggly into my pelvis.
My cervix and every other parts of my body works in line with me to bring forth a healthy baby.
My body knows how to give birth.
Birth is safe for me and my baby.
Contractions help to bring forth my baby.
I am a good mother.
I will produce plenty of breast milk for my baby.
I know how to take care of my baby.
My baby feels my love……..

You can write out your own pregnancy affirmations based on what you desire and need.

Go forth, keep writing, keep sticking, keep confessing.

Much love,

The preggy lover

Posted from WordPress for Android


Its a new year and i am sure we all have awesome new plans to be a better you. I plead with you to add  ‘Pregnancy Etiquettes’ to  your list.

I am certain you are wondering……..Pregnancy etiquettes?

What does she mean?

Over time, i have come to see an increasing  necessity to deal with the ‘acceptables’ and ‘unacceptables’ in our interaction with pregnant women.

Yeah neh…….like my friends like to say. Almost all of us are guilty of defaulting one way or the other.  Some of us, even after reading this, would still say it isn’t a biggie, but trust me most “preggys”and mothers are usually uncomfortable when we make these blunders.

Ok! Let’s look at them below;

* Never, no matter how tempted you are, share an awry birth story with someone who is pregnant. I met someone recently who told me that one of her colleagues usually tells her, ‘I am scared whenever I see you’, that is so discouraging…. You don’t want to know the negative thoughts they struggle with all by themselves. So you really don’t need to give them more to think about.

* Even when you feel the pregnancy seems overdue or something, NEVER ask, “You haven’t given birth?” They are already going through enough anxiety that you do not need to make them more anxious. “The Lord is your Strength”is good enough.

* This next one might leave you wondering what the big deal is, but trust me, its very important. So Someone shares the news of the birth of a child and you ask “Was it natural birth or caesarean?” … seriously? The last time someone asked me this after I shared the news of a birth, I cringed and wondered what that has got to do with the fact that mom and child are doing well. Please  remember that women who give birth via caesarean are not less of a woman/mother and we should never make them feel that way with our questions.

* This one probably baffles me the most. A mother shares the news of the birth of a female child and you go….. “eeyah”.  The birth of every child should be celebrated even if it is the 10th daughter; I sincerely believe this is totally wrong and unacceptable. Every child irrespective of their sex is a gift from God, ask someone who is trusting God for a child and you`d understand better that no child or mother deserves self pity for giving birth to who God wants them to.

* This one concerns the baby more than the mother, however it is most needful I share it. Always always always wash your hands or sanitise them before you carry any baby. Babies build up their immunity over time and are prone to infections when exposed to dirts.  And yes we all know babies are so cute you just wanna kiss them but it’s a NO NO NO, leave the kisses to their parents. 🙂

You might say they do not object, but most parents I have met frown at this but allow it pass because they do not want to come across as being rude. (Mothers, whatsoever you don’t like to be done to your baby respectfully tell anyone who does it; some people just don’t see anything wrong.)

I Sincerely and humbly  appeal to us to be very conscious of these simple etiquettes so as to make the pregnancy-birth process easier for that “preggy” next to you.

Keep being supportive! Keep being a blessing!

God bless you!


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