
Safe Hands… everything pregnancy, everything babies, everything a mother’s heart desires, exactly where it belong… in God’s hands


So I was at this meeting and it was time to introduce ourselves- not just the usual introductions, we were asked to mention what interested us. Instantly, I knew what my response would be, I didn’t even have to think about it. And voila… it was my turn and I blurted out- ‘pregnancy and babies’ and immediately felt twenty-something  pairs of eyes staring at me with the ‘like seriously?’ look. Then the torrents of questions started- ‘Is it having the pregnancy?’, ‘Explain what you mean….’, ‘Are you really really serious?’
I almost caved under all the questions and stares. But I stood my ground and gave them the best explanation I could- “Well, that’s my ministry or calling (whatever it is that you call it). I love the process of bringing forth, experiencing and seeing a new life unfold as the days and weeks goes by. I see it as a very spiritual and chanced opportunity that need not be taken for granted. I enjoy it no matter the seemingly ‘uphills’ (which I believe are no uphills as long as God gives us grace).
I love pregnancy and babies so much that on my extremely happy and fulfilling days, you can be sure to find an element of these- babysitting, hearing the good news of someone getting pregnant, being chosen to be a birth partner or the news of the birth of a child.
Pregnancy, babies and all that comes with it is my passion, my life and what defines me.
Join me on this ride as I bring you tips, success stories and all that goes on in my medula oblongata about babies and pregnancy.
In between, I am still single and searching and can’t wait to be a biological mother, though I’d say maybe I’m a mother already considering the number of babies God has granted me the grace to be a part of their journey from the moment the ‘line turned pink’ till their first steps.
Thank God there is a process involved before one can be pregnant and since I am not ready to be the Mary of my time, I will wait till my time comes, which definitely is soon BHG!
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12 thoughts on “JUST SO YOU KNOW………….I’M A ‘PREGGY LOVER’

  1. Nice…
    I’ll be following this blog then. Hope you get right down to the dirty and nasty too and all that labor pain.
    Always cc me on twitter @moskedapages

  2. @1305Dammie on said:

    Yaaaaay! This is finally up! It’s about time. Everyone that knows Kempex knows how passionate she is about preggies and babies.

    Glad you’ve found yet another expression. Let the ride begin!

    Cheers! Cheers!! Cheers!!!

  3. Dats wat passion does. Safe Hands. Wow. I can’t wait for all d tips. I believe in u gal.

  4. olashore odunayo oluwatoyin on said:

    Dis is a long awaited blog my dear! More power to your ink! *winks*

  5. Ayomide on said:

    Wow, really nice sis,can’t wait to read more,love ya

  6. Ife Peters on said:


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